The King's Greatest Secret - THE ROAD TO HELL


Do you realize that if God Himself stepped down from a fluffy white cloud and offered an easy way for us to be consistently victorious, that many Christians would simply not be interested?! The "Good News" message, (that we can walk before the Lord consistently pleasing in motive, thought, word and deed), would be, to many "Christians", very "bad news". A major reason is that they would have to change their "doctrine" and when it comes to doctrine, some folks would rather go to hell than switch! I have gone from door to door trying to persuade people to invite Jesus Christ into their hearts as their Lord, as a necessary FIRST step in escaping the eternal flames of hell, but instead, they most OFTEN answer, "Look, I've got my own                                                           . I was born a

          ., I was raised a             , and I'm going to die a             !" Most of them might as well have added, "And I am going to hell a                       !" Church membership does NOT give a person entrance into the Kingdom of God, but only being born again, as Jesus declares I John 3:3-5. and Revelation 3:20, where He tells us how. "I am standing at the door of your life and I'm knocking. If you will invite Me to come into your life and heart as Savior and King of everything, then I will come in." That's how to be born again!

But after we're born again it's very important that we don't begin to make excuses for not measuring up to God's will for us, because, contrary to what we have been taught, there is no excuse for not doing the will of God! I've often wondered what would have happened in the Garden of Eden if Adam would not have made excuses, when God came and asked him why he "messed up". Instead, Adam said, "The woman!" (Then he added) "Whom YOU GAVE to me…" I wonder what would have happened if Adam had said, "Lord, please don't blame Eve. Let all the blame be upon me. She's the weaker vessel, and I should have been looking out after her." Or, what if Eve had said the same? Instead, she blamed the serpent. The only good thing I can think of to say about the devil is that when God came to him, he didn’t pass the buck or try to place blame, (Never mind the fact that he didn't have any place to pass it!)

But it is impossible for us to be both EXCUSING and REPENTING at the same time. God will NOT forgive what we are excusing. Most Christians have been brainwashed, hypnotized, or otherwise programmed into thinking that "nobody's perfect." The excuse, "I'm only human after all….." is typical, but definitely counterproductive.

Remember, the Lord gives His Word, many victory promises: I Corinthians 10:13 says that "There is NO temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but GOD IS FAITHFUL, Who will NOT let you be tempted above what you are able, but will with


the temptation, also make a way of escape, that you may be able to bear it." And in II Corinthians 2:14, “Now thanks be unto God, Who ALWAYS causes us to TRIUMPH IN CHRIST, and make manifest the savor of His knowledge by us in every place.” (Victory=Always=everywhere!!!) And Romans 8:37, “... In ALL THESE THINGS WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS THROUGH HIM that loved (loves) us!” And Philippians 4:13, “I can do ALL things through Christ Who strengthens me!!!”

But, so many of us, if we were honest and consistent with our own system of unbelief and wrong doctrine, have CHANGED these very Victory Scriptures to read OTHER THAN what God has actually said!!! We have tended to say “No! God has NOT given me a way to escape!” or “NO! God does NOT cause me to triumph in every place and circumstance!” or”NO! I am NOT more than a conqueror in all or even very many of these things!” “I am not even a conqueror, much less, more than a conqueror.”

Intricately interwoven into the fabric of our thinking is some wrong doctrine that has been spuriously spread throughout nearly all of Christendom. Protestants and Catholics, EVERY denomination - it seems that hardly anyone has been spared. This doctrine of the dualism of nature concerns our attitude toward our bodies, toward pleasure, our flesh, perfection, victory, - towards Life itself! A fresh revelation realization of “The King’s Greatest Secret changes all this.