The King's Greatest Secret - Review Questions


Review Questions

  1. Is it possible to live without sinning? (Explain).
  1. What of ours did Christ take with Him to the Cross?
  1. What is God’s greatest “Secret”?
  1. What is the difference between Christ helping you do or speak good things and Him speaking or doing good things through you?
  2. Why was it necessary for Christ to take you with Him to the Cross?
  1. Without practical revelation understanding of “the King’s Greatest Secret”, has positive thinking got much power?
  1. Why is suicide not necessary?
  1. The following phrases go with what Scripture verses?

(you may look them up from the list of Scriptures provided below):

Victory ,Victory always everywhere             , Free from sin          ,

Risen with Christ our life           Seated in Christ             , Fullness of Joy: unspeakable ,

Every blessing           ,

Joy of the Lord - strength        ,

Mind of Christ          Can do all things through Christ           Walk blamelessly


All power and authority        ,

We are the light of the world           , To live is Christ            ,

Whatever we ask               , Abundant life           ,

More than conquerors           , We can be as He is          

All things are possible           

We can walk as He walked             Greater works           ,

We can know the mysteries of the Kingdom of God.             The Mystery of the Gospel of the ages           ,

Christ is made unto us. Wisdom

Jude 24; Phil 1:21: Eph. 1:3,4; Rom.8:37: Col. 3:1-3:11. Cor. 2:14-16;

Matt.5:14; II Pet. 1:1-4; John 14:13; Ps. 16:1; Rom. 6:7, 18, 22: Phil. 4:13;

Neh. 8:10; Eph. 2:6; I Cor. 15:57: ICor. 2:16; Matt. 28:18; II Cor. 9:8;

I Cor. 1:30: Luke 8:10; I John 4:17; John 10:10; John 14:12; Matt. 19:26;

Col. 1:25-29: 1 John 2:6.

  1. 2:20-Are you living?
  1. Can we be perfect? If not, why? If so, How?
  1. What did Jesus mean when He said “Be perfect!”? (Matt. 5:48).
  1. What is the false doctrine of “sinless perfection”?
  1. What is the main solution for most arguments about the Bible?
  1. How Is “calling ‘Idealistic’ what God calls necessary and practical” - calling God a liar?
  2. What 3 steps are necessary for Christ to be In your Life?
  1. Do you have the mind of Christ?
  1. In the Word, what’s the main evidence sign, fruit, or proof that you are full of God?
  1. Not, “have you been filled with”, but are you full of God right now? (Give yourself a percentage)
  2. What would happen to a clean and freshly sacrificed (killed) lamb under the hot Israel sun If nothing more happened after it was killed?
  1. What else is necessary?
  1. What is this symbolic of’?
  1. Who should praise the Lord with shouting and clapping? (Psalm 47).
  1. Why can we have an experience MORE REAL than If we fell dead and Christ was looking around for a fresh warm dead body He could move Into and raise up and become the Life of, living on the earth again - disguised as you?
  1. Who is the flea - the elephant in the illustration?
  2. What is the main difference between Christ helping us do or be something,

and Him being or doing it in and through us?

  1. Are we supposed to discipline the old nature or the old self?
  1. Does Christ want there to be and difference between Who He is at the Father’s right hand and Who He is - in us?
  2. Are you also willing to teach others to teach others how to share this “Secret”?

28. If you devoted the rest of your life to sharing this “Secret” - would your life be well spent?

30. WILL YOU??????

31. Would you be willing by means of your gracious giving to help us reach others through the printing of more of these small books?