The King's Greatest Secret - GLORY

Remember when Jesus took the children up in His arms and blessed them? Ephesians 1 and 2, especially 2:6 tells us where we are: that Father ‘Hath raised us up together and made us all sit together in heavenly places IN Jesus Christ.” Baptism by immersion signifies that WE WENT WITH JESUS in His crucifixion, death, burial, resurrection, ascension AND GLORIFICATION!!! Romans 8:30 says that those “whom He Justified, He also glorified.”! Doesn’t this mean that we have already been glorified?!

Psalm 91 says “He (or she) that dwelleth in the Secret Place of the Most High. shall abiiiide under the Shadow of the Almighty!’

The Bible tells us that we are right NOW SEATED IN JESUS CHRIST at the Father’s right hand. Here we are, on the Throne with our Heavenly Father, with Christ AS our life. God wants us to live here, never to leave, never to have another mentality or way thinking than agloriouslyvictorious “Throne- Room Mentality”.

Can you picture yourself going with Jesus to the Cross, to the grave, to the skies?!! Can you see yourself crawling up into your Heavenly Daddy’s lap - ‘Underneath are the Everlasting Arms”, and putting your ear up against the Father’s Heart of love, and listening to God’s heart-beat - His whispers of encouragement?!!! We can look like He looks - 2 Car. 3:18! We can walk like He walks - I John 2:6! We can be as He is – I John 4:17! You never need to leave your Heavenly Father’s lap, His Throne-Room, His Presence. From now on, (you don’t need to wait until you die!) Jesus can ALWAYS be your Life! You can always be seated on the Throne, IN Him, at Daddy’s right hand ruling and reigning with Him - forever and forever! WOW! What a glorious Secret! Looking like Jesus, talking like Jesus, being like Jesus - because Jesus has now become - your Life!!!!!! And we all lived:



May you live happily ever after, with Jesus Christ AS YOUR LIFE

In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!!!