The King's Greatest Secret - THE KING'S GREATEST SECRET


God has a "Secret"!! He would like to tell it to You! The angels and men of God wanted to know this "Secret", but God wouldn't tell them for thousands of years. Then God told "The Secret" to the Church through the Apostle Paul and other apostles and prophets. That "Secret" was lost and forgotten again during the dark ages, but now is being told again in this special time to the Church. It's "the King's Greatest Secret!" It needs to be told so very much. Almost no one in the Body of Christ today knows "The Secret". We have ministered in many churches across the country and in most of them we ask a certain question to find out if they know "The Secret". In very few places where we have ministered, did they know. The question we asked them was, what did Jesus take of ours with Him to the cross?"

Will you take a minute to answer this before you continue?

We get answers, all of them correct but not complete, such as "He took our sins, our sicknesses, our worries, burdens, fears etc." We say, "That's true that He took these so we can be forgiven, healthy, and without worry (some folks cast their burdens upon Yahweh, the Mighty Right NOW God, but as a fisherman casts, they sit and reel these burdens back to themselves.) But the people still have not told the main thing Christ took with Him to the cross! I suppose the reason they do not know, is that it requires a revelation from God, or one who has a revelation from God, to share "The Secret, before they can know. What a Wonderful Mystery!