

The Word of God uses some of the following words to describe a Kingdom citizen: disciples, sons, friends, brothers of Christ. One must pay to become and remain a disciple or member or citizen of God's Kingdom. The cost is: Everything you are and have in exchange for everything God has and is. The only thing that's really required is that one become and do the will of the Lord. That's the Kingdom of God, simply doing and being what the King wants-the Lordship of Christ. .

"As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the Sons of God." Rom. 8:14 (KJ). "Not every one that saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth

the will of My Father which is in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name? and in Thy Name have cast out devils? and in Thy name done many wonderful works? And then I wilt profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity" Matt. 7:21-23 (KJ). Jesus asked, "Why call ye Me Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?" Luke 6:46 (KJ). pear one, it's not enough to claim to be saved or born again or Spirit filled or a church member or anything, if you claim Christ Jesus as your Lord but do not do what He wants or says.

A citizen of the kingdom of God is one who (is born again, but who also) does what the King of kings, the Lord Jesus Christ, wants. Let's look at three verses in Luke 14 regarding those who cannot be a Kingdom citizen: Large crowds were traveling with Jesus,and turning to them He said: "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother, and wife and children, and brothers and sisters-yes, and even his own life-he cannot be My disciple" Luke 14:26-27. What this means simply is that the will of God must come first-ahead of the will, wishes, desires, threats, opinions, commands, or intimidations of your parents, children, spouse, friends, enemies, church members, and those whose opinions you respect the most. Most of all, the will and desire of God must surely be more important to you than your own will or desire. You MUST carry your cross! But remember Jesus said, "My yoke is easy and My burden is light" Matt. 11:30 (KJ).Which do you choose your yoke or Satan's yoke, your burden, your friend's burden, or Christ's easy yoke, His light burden? Luke 14:33, "So therefore, no one of you can be my disciple who does not give up all his own possessions"! !! If you want to be His discipIe, then you must give up ownership and legal title to everything you own-give it to the King of the Kingdom, Jesus Christ and the Father, so that He retains title and ownership to ALL that you have and are! your life! your will! your time! your worship! your children! your spouse! your money! your future! your possessions! your opinions! your plans! your reputation! your career! your sins! your ideas! your religious ruts! your stubbornness! yourself! Unless you are willing to forsake all of these things you cannot be His disciple!!! It's impossible for you to have Christ Jesus as your Lord and do not do what He wants! !! The Kingdom of God is what God is King of. And if God is not allowed to be your Absolute Master or your King in some area of your life, then it's not the Kingdom of God and you are not His brother or disciple or Kingdom citizen or friend. "Ye are My friends IF ye do whatsoever I command you" John 15:14, and, "Why call ye Me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?"! Luke 6:46 (KJ).

Jesus said, "not everyone that saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he that doeth the will of My Father which is in heaven" Matt. 7:21 (see above). Perhaps you are thinking, "This is impossible." Do you remember Matthew 19:23-26? "Jesus said to His disciples, 'Truly I say to you,' [or 'I tell you the truth'], 'it is hard for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.' [It still is] 'Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.' [Think about that!] And when the disciples heard this, they were very astonished and said, 'Then who can be saved?' Jesus [looked at them and] said, 'With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.' "

What about it, amigo? Do you want to change the scriptures to mean, "With God some things are possible"? "My God will supply some of my needst'? "I can do some things through Christ"? But we here are only fulfilling the Great Commission when we are teaching you to obey "all things whatsoever I [Jesus] have commanded you" Matt. 28:20 (KJ).

Lord, I repent of my unbelief. I choose to believe in You. I not only seek Your Kingdom first, but also I seek Your righteousness. Teach me, Lord Jesus, what seeking first Your righteousness is. In Jesus' Name. Amen. . . . And by the way Lord, I now hereby give You Everything I have and am: my life, my will, my time, my worship, my children, my spouse, my money, my future, my possessions, my opinions, my plans, my reputation, my career, my sins, my ideas, my religious ruts, my stubbornness, my self and everything I ever will have or be-now! for all time-I give it all to You, forever. In Jesus' Name, Amen!!!!

Review Questions


1. What is the first thing necessary to become a citizen of the Kingdom of God?
2. Give at least 4 synonyms the Lord gives for a Kingdom citizen.
3. What one single characteristic marks or identifies a born again citizen of the Kingdom of God?
4. How much does it cost to be a citizen of the Kingdom of God?
5. Is it possible to claim Jesus as Lord and still not inherit the Kingdom of God? (Read Rom. 8:14; Matt. 7:21-23; Lk. 6:46 and write them down.)
6. What two groups of people did Jesus say can , not be His disciples? (Lk. 14:26-27)
7. Lk. 14:33 says who else cannot be Christ's disciple?
8. What general and specific things are you willing to give to Him now 100%? (List at least 30 things.)
9. What generally and specifically are you willing to DO for the Lord Jesus Christ? (List at least 30 things.)
10. What generally and specifically are you willing to BE for the Lord Jesus Christ? (List at least 12 things.)
11. If you are not Christ's disciple-then whose disciple are you?
12. Will it be harder or more difficult to be Christ's disciple or the devil's? (Guess) Rom.8:18, Prov 13:15, Matt. 11:28-29.
13. What of ours did Christ take with Him to the cross? (Name at least 3 of the most important things.)
14. Is it necessary for us to "feel" saved before we are?

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