by John Roy Bohlen & John 5:30

God has a problem: 

Even though He is All Powerful, or Omnipotent; 

Even though God is All-Knowing, or Omniscient; 

Even though God is God, He still has a problem.

Because God has a problem, so do I, since God is my Friend.

Would you like to know what God's problem is?  If so, I will tell you. 

Believe it or not, you yourself, can help God with His problem.  Are you interested?  Would you like to?  Would you like to see it from the Bible?


God's problem is seen many times in the Bible.  Here are some examples:  Yahweh, Papa God is speaking:

Isa 65:2  "I have spread out My hands all the day unto a rebellious people, which walketh in a way that was not good, after their own thoughts;"  

Here it is from the New American Standard Bible: Isa 65:2-3

2 "I have spread out My hands all day long to a rebellious people,

Who walk in the way which is not good, following their own thoughts, 3 A people who continually provoke Me to My face."

Wouldn't you think that you would have a problem if you wanted your grandchildren to come into your arms for safety, for protection, for love, for shelter, and you held out your arms to them, and they ignored you?  A car is bearing down on them, a rock, someone is ready to shoot them, capture them, but they refuse your protection?  Your arms, your hands are stretched out to them, but they refuse to come to you?  How would you feel?

Here's another Verse:  John 1:11  "He came unto His Own, and His Own received Him not."  Isn't that amazing?!

Isa 53:3 says:  "He is despised and rejected of men; a Man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from Him; He was despised, and we esteemed Him not."

Jesus had a problem:  You can help Him solve the problem.  Here it is:  Matt 23:37-38  "How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling."  NAS

Here again we see God, as Jesus, yearning, wanting to gather us and others into His arms, under His wings, but the people refuse.  But, God will not, can not, force us to love Him.  So, what should God do, when you or I or others refuse to love Him, refuse to run to Him?!

Wouldn't you think you had a problem if you are in a land where 97 % of the people had a disease that you had the simple cure for, but the people did not care, were not interested, would not listen?

Wouldn't you think you had a problem if people were dying all around you, and you could help them live, but they refused to listen to you?  God has that same problem.

Because God is my friend, I have that same problem.

Because I am working for God, I have the same problem.

Because I am God's representative, His problem is mine.

For example: People around me are going to Hell by the millions.  I can save them from Hell by telling them about God's salvation.

I am surrounded by people who could live longer and have a better quality of life, if they would only listen to me.  They don't know, and/or they don't care.

I could save marriages if people would listen.

I could prolong life, if people would listen.

I could help people become gloriously victorious, if they would hear.

In Nigeria and other countries, many thousands of little girls are being cut and hurt.  I could spare them this life-long pain, if they would only listen.

I could help people keep from getting diabetes, if they would only listen.  I could save their eyes, fingers, toes, feet, heart.  I could help prevent them from having strokes and heart attacks.  But I do not know how to tell them, get their attention, make them listen.

God doesn't either. 


Love cannot be forced.  Love presupposes the necessity of free choice.  If a man (or a woman) holds a knife to a woman's (or a man's) throat, and says, "Give me some love, Baby.", he or she may receive many things from that other person, but will not receive love.  Love is something that must be freely, voluntarily, joyfully, willingly given.  Love cannot be forced.  God created us to love Him, but God cannot and will not force us to love Him,  come to Him, bask in His Presence, sit with Him on His lap, under His feathers, under His wings, in His Secret Place, in the Shelter of the Most High.  His arms are open.  The invitation is there.  The door is open.  He is asking Christian and non-Christian to come to Him.  Come to Him for Salvation, for fellowship, for basking.  But, will you?

God has a problem in the book of Revelation, chapter three, verse 20:  "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him, and will dine (have sweet fellowship) with him, and he with Me."  The problem here, is that the latch to the door is on your side, on the inside. God will not come to live on the inside of us, if we refuse to invite Him within.  God will not be the Lord and Master of our lives, if we refuse to allow Him.  The power for this to happen, lies with you.

One of the greatest problems in America and other modern countries is overweight, diabetes and all of its attending complications.  Billions of dollars are spent on this problem.  But God and I know the solution:  Very few are interested.  They have been programmed against, and are thus unwilling to hear, the answer.  It is _____ .  See?  You are probably not interested either.  You see?  God and I have simple solutions to many problems, but people are not interested.  They will not hear.  God and I do not know how to make them hear.

God has revealed to me many answers to many problems.  I actually have the cure, the solution, the answer to most people's problems, questions, difficulties.  But people are not interested.  I do not know how to tell them.  I do not know how to get their attention.  It is my greatest problem.  This is also God's biggest problem.

For example:  I have written a book about how people can raise children.  People don't know about this book, or they are not interested. 

I have written a book about how married people can live happily ever after, but people either don’t know, or they do not care to know.

The Bible says that the End cannot come, until the Gospel of the Kingdom is first widely preached.  But the vast majority of the people have not heard, do not want to hear, do not know, the Gospel of the Kingdom.   A quarter century ago I wrote a book, detailing for people the Gospel of the Kingdom, but they either do not know about it, care about it, nor are interested in it.  This book tells people how they can live meaningful and fulfilled lives.  It tells them how they can gloriously pass the test at the Judgement Seat of Christ, but they do not know, or they do not care to know.

I tell people how they can fulfill their destiny, actualize their potential have their needs met, but they do not know, or they do not care.

I have written a book that tells people how to be rightly related to others, but people do not know, or they do not care.

I have written a book that tells people how they can be a part of a lovely flourishing church and ministry.  But they do not know, or they do not care.

So, you see, God and I have a problem.  It is the problem of how to help people who are not interested, are not willing, do not know, do not care, who refuse to know, or are not willing to hear.  It is like living in a country where nearly every one has a disease.  You know the simple cure.  But they will not listen to you.


Although God is God, He still has feelings.  Bible says that we have a High Priest Who is touched with the feelings of our infirmities.   Father God, Jesus Yahshua, Holy Spirit, all have feelings, and They can be ignored, grieved, blasphemed, rejected, disobeyed, made jealous, can become angry, can be lied to, blamed unfairly, cursed, hated, lied about.  Genesis 6:6 tells us that the Heart of God was filllllllllllllled with pain!!!!!!!  Do you want to do these things to Your loving Heavenly Father?!?!?!.  The Bible records the Lord God becoming angry with His people, hundreds of times!  Hundreds!  Do you want to make your Darling Heavenly Father to be angry with you?  Can you not empathize with God when He feels or becomes righteously angry with you or with someone else?!  In John 3:16, we see that God soooo loved the world -  but in John 3:36 we see that God's anger abiiiiiiides upon many.  How would you feel if the one you loved the most, was rightly angry?  Can we not empathize with God, even feel sorry for Him, because we know that He would rather not be angry.

Zeph 3:17  "For the Lord your God has arrived to live among you. He is a mighty Savior. He will give you victory. He will rejoice over you with great gladness; He will love you and not accuse you." Is that a joyous choir I hear? No, it is the Lord Himself exulting over you in happy song."  TLB  "He will rejoice over thee with joy; - - He will joy over thee with singing." ASV

God has some problems!  If you are interested in helping God and I with some of these problems, get in touch with us. 

Phone: 715-866-4060 

Web: www.Great-Commission-Ministries.org

john roy bohlen                        I love you!


I and we volunteer freely, though totally unworthy, and not sufficient, so as to think anything as of ourselves, yet, my and our sufficiency is of You, Who makes me and us an able minister of the Covenant.  Therefore, since You Almighty, invite us to sit with You on Your Throne and co-labor together with You, I am freely volunteering, along with our family and ministry, to work together with You in modeling and teaching:


Abiding in You, basking, resting, residing, under Your wings

Allowing Christ to BEEEEE my Life!!! 

Being always led by and walking in Your Holy Spirit

Being and becoming a Manifested Son of God

Body Stewardship, Modeling and Teaching

Building of Your Church

Cuddling and Snuggling with You, not struggling

Doing all to the glory of God, eating, drinking, etc.

Enjoying Your Creation

Evangelization of the World

Ever Doing Your will

Fulfilling the Great Commission

King's Greatest Secret - Throne-Room Mentality Teaching

Listening to Your heart-beat, and to Your Voice

Loving one another, fervently, out of a pure heart.

Making Disciples of All the Nations

Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom in all the World Preparation of Your Bride

Perfecting of the Saints

Proclamation of Your Name

Reaping the End-Time Harvest of the World

Rejoicing & delighting in You, dance, laughter, song, love, etc.

Ruling and reigning over the Nations with a rod of iron

Seeking First Your Kingdom

Teaching All possible to Do the Will of God

Worshipping Daddy Yahweh: Modeling and Teaching

"God has been waiting

For an Eternity

For this moment To arrive

At this time - In your life!"    


John Roy Bohlen & John 5:30



You may contact us at:

Great Commission Ministries

9473 County Road D

Webster, WI  54893

Phone:  715-866-4060  email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Website:  www.Great-Commission-Ministries.org

Other books and articles we have written:

How To Rule The World, or Seek 1st the Kingdom of God

The Cult of Cannibals, or, How To Rightly Relate

The Sexual Ministry, or, How To Live Happily Ever After

How To Raise 'Purfect' Kids

The King's Greatest Secret!

FGM, or Female Circumcision


Law, Grace and Law

Body Stewardship

The Glorious Church

Apostles: Who, How, What, When and Where

True African Adventure Stories

How To Save Time

What is God's Name?

We love you!!!

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